Saturday, June 30, 2012

Veggie Challenge: Day 5

I think I figured out what the gas culprit was...

No not the crackers but the hummus dip.  Main ingredient is garbanzo beans.  I've had beans before but this stuff... good golly miss molly.  I'm probably going to toss the rest because i don't want to suffer that torture again.

Last night i also popped open a bag of pistachios.  Haven't had those in like a decade but damn i couldn't crack those shells quick enough.  Eating those things was like trying to eat just one Dorito... ain't gonna happen.

Overall, so far so good ... it hasn't been as torturous eating this stuff as i thought it would.  I have noticed my energy levels seems a little down but, it has been only a few days.  This is a morning picture:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Veggie Challenge: Day Two

I don't know what to say other then... all these veggies cleaned me out today.  The porcelain gods were laughing at me!

It's all okay though.  I still hit up the gym, ate some food, and popped open a bag of these:

One thing that I didn't mention before was that to continue any gains I still need to figure out how to consume 3500 calories and at least 200-250 grams of protein in there somewhere.

As of right now the scale says i dropped a pound (not significant) and my body fat percentage went down a little (also not significant).  But a picture nonetheless:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Veggie Challenge: Day 1

So last night i had some of these:

It actually tasted pretty good.  I didn't really taste like a burger by any means but for what it was it was good.    Some other things i had were:

- Flaxseed chips
- Hummus
- Steamed vegetables
- Cashews

All was good but i had one side effect the next day.  I was a little gassy.  Ya i know... TMI... but, that's important information in my opinion so STEP OFF.

Here is a picture of me at 190lbs, 6'1, and 11.5% body fat.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Month Long Vegetarian Trial

For a long time I've heard people bash this way of eating.  I do find a little humor in people calling vegetarians hippies... hah... but, there is a lot of real nonsense out there as well.  Things like, "Oh, it's not healthy", or "You can't make muscular gains eating like that", or "You need meat".  After watching and reading a lot of information on various diets I've decided to try the one that I really haven't come close to trying before... and that's this one.  There is no information like self information... so I will try this a month and see how I feel and do a little updates along the way.

Right now these are my current stats:

10-12% body fat

My goal is to drop body fat, put on muscle, lower my resting heart rate, increase my VO2Max, and see how i feel at regular intervals through the whole thing.

I am going to modify this diet a little bit by:

1. Keeping breads, pastas, fruits, and processed foods at a low.
2. Supplementing protein.
3. One cheat meal a week.

Basically this diet will consist of nuts, fruits (minimal), vegetables, and meat substitutes.  I will also try and make a daily update if possible.  Heck, I might even go get blood work for the hell of it.